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Back Issues

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Earths Daughters
Earth's Daughters Back Issues from 1971 to Present

    Polly Joan and Andrea Chesman, in their Guide To Women's Publishing, say: "No one phrase can capture the essence of Earth's Daughters...It comes in all shapes, contains all manner of art...specializes in surprise."

    Back Issues are available by individual copies or in collector's sets.

    All issues are edited by the collective unless otherwise noted.

    Any three back issues, except Perennial Forte (#80) and Fine China (#39/40) : $18.00 (includes postage and handling). $20.00 for libraries and institutions. Overseas and bulk rates available upon request. If we are out of an issue, we will select an alternate. Perennial Forte may be obtained for $10.00 each and Fine China for $8.00 each. A limited number of Collector's Sets are available for $300 each. Make checks out to Earth's Daughters:

Earth's Daughters
P.O. Box 41, Central Park Station
Buffalo, NY 14215

6" x 9"
PUT OUT THE FIRE: (trying to suppress, extinguish, or, conversely, to protect, etc.)
Includes work from: Susana H. Case, Penny Perry, Jennifer Campbell, Marge Piercy and others.
Cover: Lida Sahafzadeh on Unsplash.

6" x 9" 64 pages
Sweep it, find it, left it, leave it, nothing there, remove from head, warm under feet, etc.
Includes work from: Susana H. Case, Penny Perry, Jennifer Campbell, Marge Piercy and others.
Cover: Lida Sahafzadeh on Unsplash.

6" x 9" 74 pages
Continuing, resisting, pushing forward, on-going. Women rise.
Includes work from Lyn Lifshin, Kathleen Cain, Penny Perry, C.P. Mangel and others.
Cover: Gina Pennock
#91: LINES

6" x 9" 56 pages
The four directions; waiting; aging; queues; drawing; light or dark, etc.
Includes work from Ansie Baird, Susana Case, Barbara Crooker, Elizabeth Brulé Farrell, Lyn Lifshin, Katharyn Howd Machan, Tony Reeves, Claudia Van Gerven, and more.
Cover: Ginny O'Brien Timeline I

6" x 9" 55 pages
The past informs the present. ("If only I'd known then…")
With work by Jane Attanucci, Maureen Flannery, Ruth Holzer, Jacqueline Kudler, Lyn Lifshin, James Zimmerman, and more.
Additional bonus: poems by Earth's Daughters editors (Brill, Campbell, Ford, Kessel, Willoughy-Lohr, and zuckerman).
Cover: Anonymous photo of Kastle Brill

6x9" 57 pages.
Contained, observable, caught, finished, or on display.
Work by: Kathleen Cain, Ruth Holzer, Mary Makofske, Penny Perry, Elisiavietta Ritchie, Helen Ruggieri and others.
Cover: Diane Victoria Flores, photograph.
#88: EBB

6x9" 67 pages.
Cycles, rhythm, continuation, or cascades.
Work by: Pam Clements, Lyn Lifshin, Carol Rucks, Susana H. Case and others.
Cover: Michael Herbold, Breakwall #0785, photograph.
#87: Taste

6"x9" 42 pages.
Good, bad, salty, sweet, spicy, bitter-sweet, Proust's madeleines and beyond.
Work by Susan Deer Cloud, Linda Nemec Foster, Michael Riley, Edith Haendel Schwartz, Marge Piercy, and others.
Cover: Denise Sperry, You've Got the Beet, watercolor
#86: Shift

6"x9". 60 pages.
Appear, disappear; Up, down; Side-step; Misstep; Confound
Work by Ruth Moon Kempher, David Landrey, Lyn Lifshin, Marge Piercy, David Radavitch, Carol Tyx, and others.
Cover: Kateri René Ewing, Murder of Crows (watercolor, 2015). Photo of Murder of Crows, Courtesy: Miebohm Gallery, East Aurora, NY
#85: Small Things

6"x9". 48 pages.
From insects to dollhouses, small minds, tiny words, and more. Work by Eleanor Berry, Susana Case, Rebekah Keaton, Lyn Lifshin, Terry Martin, Rick Smith and others. Cover art courtesy of NASA, ESA, and A NOTA (STScl/ESA)
#84: Light

6" x 9", 60 pp.
Visual light, light one sees, or transcendence, or light verse, or light as in weight (opposite of heavy) With work by Bache-Snyder, Berry, Crooker, Lee, Howd Machan, Whitehead, Wiley, and Zuckerman, and more. Cover Art: Norine Spurling (Trio of Bathers, watercolor)
#83: Dancing on the Edge

9" x 6" (horizontal layout); 58 pp.
Dancing, literally and figuratively, teetering on the brink, on the edge, over the top, taking that step
Work by Lifshin, Van Gerven, Siedlecki, Riley, Landrey, Hostovsky, Radvich, and more
#82: one if by land

6" x 9", 42 pp.
Warnings, signals, premonitions, or transport. Cover, front and back: Nancy Belfer. With work by Lyn Lifshin, Ruth Holzer, Karla Linn Merrifield, Penny Perry, Michael Riley, Rick Smith, Meryl Stratford, and others.
#81: Both Sides Now

6" x 9", 62 pp.
On the theme of change of perspective, perceiving with new eyes, etc. Cover concept and execution: Janna Willoughby-Lohr. Includes work by Claudia Van Gerven, Susan Fantl Spivack, Lyn Lifshin, David Radavich, Lawrence Snydal,Linda Casebeer, Mary Makofske, and much more.
#80: Perennial Forte (Fortieth Anniversary) An invitational issue

6" x 9", 110 pp.
Cover Painting: Messiaen IV by Catherine Parker, (photo by Todd Treat)
With a treasure trove of selections from a bevy of writers, including Michael Basinksi, Ralph Black, Peg Boyers, Gabrielle Burton, Susan Deer Cloud, Diane diPrima, Irving Feldman, Lyn Lifshin, Marge Piercy, Sherry Robbins, Jerome Rothenberg, and Bill Sylvester.
Cover 79
#79: Stormy Weather

6" x 9", 84 pp.
Cover photo by Karen Lewis
With poems by 60 writers, such as Kay Bache-Snyder, Susana H. Case, Diane diPrima, Nita Penfold, Laurence Snydal, and Claudia Van Gerven,
Cover 78
#78: Found Undelivered

6" x 9", 82 pp.
Work from over 40 writers, including Andrea Bates, Gail Rudd Entrekin, David Feela, and Penny Perry.
Cover by Janna Willoughby

Cover77 #77: Flesh & Spirit

6" x 9", 78 pp.
Front and back cover, original paintings by Kastle Brill
includes work from Diane diPrima, Paul Hostovsky, Judith Kerman, Ruth Moon Kempher, and others.

Cover76 #76: What's Cooking

6" x 9", perfect bound, 84 pages
Front & back covers by Michael Morgulis
A tasty collection of poems by Barbara Holender, Susana H. Case, Sandra Kohler, Janna Willoughby and others.

Cover75 #75: Earth's Daughters Chapbook Competition

Winner: Alice D'Alessio Madison, WI      Days We Are Given
Cover painting by Priscilla Bowen

Runner-Up: Suzanne Owens Littleton, MA     Standing Here on This Earth
Honorable Mentions (in Alphabetical Order):   
Shelby Allen, Boston, MA  Hideout
Pam Clements, Albany, NY    Natural Science
Jennifer Schomburg Kanke, Guysville, OH  My Life in Runes
Carole Nolde, Westfield, NJ Comfort in Stone
Nita Penfold, Melrose, MA Landing in Oz
Penny Perry, Fallbrook, CA     What Women Do
Lynn Veach Sadler, Sanford, NC    Resurrections
Paula Yup, Majuro, Marshall Islands This Island

Cover74 #74: Soapbox

8" x 8", perfect bound, 59 pp.
Cover paintings by George Grace.
Writers get up on their soapboxes with poetic comments on history, environment, war and more.

Cover73 #73: The Gray Hair Issue

6" x 9", perfect-bound, 120 pages
Cover poster by Michael Morgulis.
Back Cover photo by ryki zuckerman
A superb collection of prose and poetry featuring writers who appeared in the first season of the critically acclaimed and highly popular Gray Hair reading series ( September of 2006 -June of 2007), and a few invited guests.  Work by Emanuel Fried, Jimmie Margaret Gilliam, Bill Sylvester, Sally Fielder, Ann Goldsmith, Sherry Robbins, Joy Walsh, and others.

Cover72 #72: Splinters & Fragments

6" x 9", perfect-bound, 80 pages
Front cover by Maureen Mathews (2007 BNAA Hyatt award winner)
On the theme of broken-off pieces, shattered bits, small parts from wholes, and more,  as interpreted by Marge Piercy, Lyn Lifshin, Penelope Scambly Schott, Elisavietta Ritchie, Diane Di Prima, and others.

Cover70&71 #70: Once Upon a Time & #71: Games

76 pages, 6" x 9", perfect-bound
Cover by Kastle Brill

Once Upon a Time  (# 70): 25 Authors including, Barbara D. Holender, Margarita Engle, Dennis Saleh & Lynn Veach Sadler
Games  (#71):  26 Authors including  Robert Deluty, Lyn Lifshin, Diana Lee Velie & Marge Piercy.

Cover69 #69: Signs

6" x 9", 58 pages
Cover photo by Kastle Brill
$8.00 [2006]
35th Anniversary Issue
Signs, Symbols, Manifestations, Omens, Indications. Poems from 29 poets, including Helen Ruggieri, Penn Kemp, Paul Hostovsky, with a special additional anniversary section of poems by the then full roster of editors (Brill, Ford, Kerman, Kessel, and zuckerman).

Cover68 #68: Traditions

6" x 9", 66 pp.
Cover: ryki zuckerman
Traditions, ancestors, cultures

With poems by Marge Piercy, Gary Fincke, Susan H. Case, Ruth Moon Kempher, Lynn Veach Sadler, and more.

Cover67 #67: Weavers of Dreams

6" x 9", 84 pages
cover photo by Kastle Brill
$7.00 [2005]
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on..." Dreams, visions, delusions, premonitions. With work by Lyn Lifshin, Kaye Bache-Snyder, Susan Deer Cloud, Claudia Van Gerven, and others.

Cover66 #66: Up & Down

6" x 9".  52 pages perfect bound.
Cover drawing, ryki zuckerman.
Issue dedicated to the  memory of ED editor Patricia  Colvard. Contains diverse work and settings from balloons to stairs.

Cover65 #65: Coffee & Cigarettes

8½" x 11" perfectbound. 92 pages.
A celebration of the life and work of Robin Kay Willoughby, a member of the collective since the 1970's (Issue #7). Contains published and previously unpublished pieces representing her creative poetic genius, including an 11 page analysis of Stephen King's novels published on-line.  Includes photographs, poems by her friends and an introduction by Kastle Brill.

Cover64 #64: Contact

5½" x 8½", perfect bound, 56 pp.
cover by Kastle Brill from a concept by Joan Ford
edited by the collective and Trudy Stern

Cover63 #63: General

General Issue/The Willow Tree
5¼" x 7½", perfect bound, 83 pp.
Cover by Kastle Brill
edited by the collective

Cover62aCover62b #62: Dressed to Kill & Take Me to Your Leader

6" x 9", 30 pp,
covers by Kastle Brill & ryki zuckerman.
edited by the collective. NB.
One issue, two covers, two themes, both covers and themes derived from pulp magazines of the 30's to 50's.

Cover61 #61: Index of Issues 39 thru 62

8½" x 11"
edited by Pat Colvard

Cover59&60 #59 & 60: Western New York: ED Thirtieth Anniversary Issue

8½" x 11", 60 pp, Perfect bound
Cover by Kastle Brill and ryki zuckerman
Work from writers now living in Western New York and from many whose hearts have remained here though they may live elsewhere. A gem for your collection.

Cover58 #58: The Garden

5½" x 8½", 41 pages, Saddle-stitch
Tastes of the out-of-doors from one season to the next.

Cover57 #57: 2001: An Earth Oddyssey

5 3/4" x 8½", 45 pages, Perfect bound
Time marches on, and ED with it.

Cover56 #56: Left

Saddle-stitch, 5½" x 8½", 40 pages.
Left alone, left over, left wing, left behind.

Cover55 #55: Short Stuff

4½" x 10", 17 pages., Saddle-stitch
A short book stuffed with short stuff.

Cover54 #54: Potluck

Perfect bound, 8½" x 11", 64 pages.
A delicious tour through kitchens and refrigerators. Come join us for a treat.

Cover53 #53: Work

8½" x 9", 46 pages, Perfect bound
Though women's work is never done, this is a good beginning.

Cover52 #52: Mask

Saddle-stitch, 8½" x 11", 39 pages.
Women in all their guises: front, aft and other.

Cover51 #51: Wild Thing

Perfect bound, 8½" x 11", 49 pages.
Cover by ryki zuckerman (faux cave painting) and Kastle Brill (female cave hunters)
An issue based on women and animals, their loves, their losses and other related ideas.

Cover50 #50: Landscape

Perfect bound, 5½" x 8½", 47 pages.
Cover by Kastle Brill
A focus on the out-of doors, with a slant toward ecology.

Cover49 #49: General Admission

Perfect bound, 6" x 9", 53 pages.
A non-thematic issue devoted to work that people sent us that we liked.

Cover48 #48: On Closer Inspection

Perfect bound, 6" x 9", 46 pages.
Experiences and reflections looked at again - closely.

Cover47 #47: The Ages of Women

Perfect bound, 6" x 9", 52 pages.
An issue of prose and poetry about womens' experiences of different ages and stages.

Cover46 #46: Outside the Inner Circle: Voices of the Excluded

Perfect bound, 5½" x 8½", 52 pages.
Available only in collector's set.
Submissions by and about culturally diverse groups or individuals often not heard from.

Cover45 #45: Doppelganger

Perfect bound, 5½" x 8½", 43 pages.
Cover by Kastle Brill
Works dealing with a remembered twin, false or real.

Cover43&44 #43 & 44: Girlfriends

Perfect bound, 6" x 9", 94 pages.
Photographs contributed by members of the collective.
A double issue of poems and prose devoted to friendships among women.

Cover42 #42: All Over The Map

Saddlestitch, 6" x 9", 44 pages.
Cover by ryki zuckerman
Poems and prose evoking the magic of remembered places.

Cover41 #41: Child Without/Child Within

Saddlestitch, 6" x 9", 30 pages.
Solicited poems celebrating the child in each of us and the children we have known.

Cover39&40 #39 & 40: Fine China: Ed 20th Anniversary Issue

Perfect bound, 6" x 9", 229 pages. Springhouse Editions.
Selections of the best of Earth's Daughters poetry, artwork and prose from 20 years of publication.

Cover38 #38: The Index

Strip bound, 8½" x 11", 62 pages.
Edited by Bonnie Johnson.
Complete index of Earth's Daughters issues # 1 to #37, arranged by issue, by author or artist and by title of work.

Cover37 #37: Less Is More

Perfect bound, 6" x 6", 54 pages.
How much meaning can be conveyed in 14 lines or less? An unusual issue in format and content.

Cover36 #36: Over The Transom

Saddlestitch, 6" x 9", 54 pages.
The best unsolicited manuscripts received in recent years.

Cover35 #35: My Lips Are Sealed

Perfect bound, 6" x 9", 54 pages.
An issue dealing with secrets. Cover by Kastle Brill.

Cover33&34 #33 & 34: Lost In The Woods

Perfect bound, 6" x 9", 128 pages.
Edited by Bonnie Johnson and Camille Cox.
This issue deals with the interaction of humans and their environment. Cover and design by Camille Cox.

Cover31&32 #31 & 32: Kindred Men...Fathers, Sons And Others

Perfect bound, 7" x 10", 86 pages.
Cover design by Camille Cox.
Edited by Jimmie Canfield and Bonnie Johnson.
Work exploring the female perception of intimate familial relationships.

Cover30 #30: Eye Of The Beholder

Saddlestitch, 5½" x 8½", 47 pages.
Edited by Kastle Brill and Geri Grossman.
Cover art from sculpture by Camille Cox.
Aspects and roles of beauty and the confrontation with the feminine aesthetic.

Cover29 #29: Plays by Gabrielle, Maria And Jennifer Burton

Saddlestitch, 5½" x 8½", 33 pages.
"Litany of the Clothes" and "Rita's Haircut" from Heartbreak Hotel, Scribners, 1986. "Litany of the Clothes" was winner of Earth's Daughters playwrights competition in 1983.

Cover28 #28: Women Editors

Saddle-stitch, 5½" x 8½", 26 pages.
Edited by ryki zuckerman and Pat Donovan.
Cover by Robin Kay Willoughby.
Work by the editors of 11 different publications including Calliope, Cafe Solo, Prairie Schooner, Tramontane, and Rhino.

Cover27 #27: It's A Political Issue

Tabloid format, 11" x 17", 16 pages.
Design by Kastle Brill and Robin Kay Willoughby.
Edited by Bonnie Johnson.
This powerful issue explores topics of political significance to women in poetry, prose, satire and concept art.

Cover25&26 #25 & 26: Another Comforter

Edited by Nita Penfold and Robin Kay Willoughby.
Perfect bound, 5½"x 8½", 60 pages.
Poetry and fiction probing the feminine in the divine All art by Zana.

Cover24 #24: A Few Good Men

Available only in collector's set.
Open-end calendar, edited by Kastle Brill and Pat Donovan.
Poetry by ten select men; rubber stamp art by select members of the collective and the men.

Cover23 #23: A Delicate Fire

Perfect bound, 7" x 10", 64 pages.
Cover by Kastle Brill.
Available only in collector's set.
An invitational issue edited by Jimmie Canfield and Geri Grossman.
This beautiful issue has a burgundy cover with silver printing and graphics, and is printed on natural paper with burgundy ink. Poetry and prose celebrating joy in relationships by Ann Goldsmith, William Matthews, Marge Piercy, Ed Sanders, collective members and many others.

Cover22 #22: Woman Driver

Perfect bound, 8½" x 5½", 64 pages.
Edited by Bonnie Johnson and Bonita Penfold Raquet.
cover design by Kastle Brill.
Poetry and fiction on women behind the wheel as fact and metaphor. Common Ground: "'Woman Driver' is a wonderful concept, well put together and effective." Cover and half-title photographs courtesy of the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society(unearthed by ryki zuckerman).

Cover21 #21: "It Is 1984, After All" Calendar

Edited by Robin Kay Willoughby and Bonita Penfold Raquet.
Poetry and graphics best described by one member of the collective: "see eight women crack up before your very eyes!" The calendar can be removed, making the issue timely for any year.

Cover19&20 #19 & 20: Busting Up Is Hard To Do

Edited by Bonnie Johnson.
Double issue of 112 pages. Perfect bound, 7" x 7".
Stamp Art cover and half-title by Robin Kay Willoughby.
E. R. Mann in Common Ground: "Here's a book for anyone who ever lost, got angry and survived, or almost didn't survive; lost themselves or found themselves and lived to tell about it . . . it is a collection of exciting, deep and female experiences."

Cover18 #18: Evolving

Saddle-stitched, 5½"x 8½", 48 pages.
Edited by ryki zuckerman.
Poetry and fiction on the topic of personal evolution, in whatever direction that might lead. Individual works are highlighted by creative graphics. Cover and pages alternate in four colors of paper; cover design by ryki zuckerman.

Cover17 #17: Graphics And Rubber Stamp Art Calendar

Spiral-bound 8½"x 14". Edited by Kastle Brill.
Cover by Kastle Brill.
Available only in collector's set.
Poetry and graphics month by month with tear off calendar pages. Poetry and graphics by members of the collective, past and present.

Cover16 #16: Earth's Daughters Lost Mss

6 strips 7" x 24" each, rolled into a storage tube.
Edited by ryki zuckerman. graphics/backispiece by ryki zuckerman.
Available only in collector's set.
Format inspired by the Dead Sea Scrolls, also lost for many years. Poetry by Aloff, Bass, Birtha, Cohen, lifshin, Rollwagen-Chamberlain;

Cover14&15 #14 & 15: Houses And Intimate Spaces

Saddle-stitched, 5½"x 8½", double book, containing two sets of 40 pages each.
Edited by Bonnie Johnson.
Frontispieces by Kastle Brill,
cover by Robin Willoughby.
Poetry and fiction by Birtha, Eilertsen, lifshin, Porte, Rosen Fine, members of the collective, and many others.

Cover13 #13: Letters To My Daughter by Judith Minty.

Chapbook, saddle-stitched, 7" x 8", 24 pages.
Cover design by Yvonne Hoarty of Design Network;
published in cooperation with Mayapple Press.
Marilyn Zorn in Great Lakes Review: "A genuinely original and distinguished work in the burgeoning literature of the relationship between women and their daughters."

Cover12 #12 As If Anything Could Grow Back Perfect by Toni Ortner-Zimmerman.

Chapbook, saddle-stitched, 7" x 8", 14 pages.
Cover design by Design Network;
published in cooperation with Mayapple Press.
Ortner-Zimmerman is author of more than a dozen books and chapbooks; her work has appeared in several anthologies and numerous small magazines.

Cover10&11 #10 & 11: Omnibus

Saddle-stitched, 8½" x 11", 87 pages.
Edited by Robin Kay Willoughby.
Poetry and prose on a multitude of topics (working title "Omnibus"), particularly love/sex relationships. Earth's Daughter's largest issue yet with 59 contributors of poetry, fiction, graphics and photographs, including lifshin, Talbert, Kertesz, Siska, Felton and Rosen Fine. Frontispiece and centerfold by Kastle Brill, also poems and graphics by the collective: Brill, Canfield, Johnson, Kerman, Perry, Walsh, Willoughby, Zuckerman.

Cover9 #9: Mothering by Judith Kerman.

76 pages.
Book-length prose poem by the author of Obsessions and The Jakoba Poems.

Cover8 #8: Mothers, Daughters, And Grandmothers

72 pages. It contains poetry and prose touching on women in their family relationships. Poems by Lewandowski, lifshin, Piercy and others, a short story by Barbara Wolfson, and graphics by Robin Roy Rubin, Barbara Schaefer, and Tina Young. Also photographs and poems from the collective.

Cover7 #7: Broadsheet

Three 11" x 17" broadsheets by Diane DiPrima, Elaine Rollwagon Chamberlain and Jane Chreighton, design by Chamberlain and Brill.
Edited by Kastle Brill.

Cover5&6 #5 & 6: General Collection Of Poems And Graphics

Paper, 64 pages.
Edited by Judith Kerman, Janice MacKenzie, Lillian Robinson and Judith Treible.
Includes xerographs by Trieble and poems by Olga Broumas, lyn lifshin, Marge Piercy and many others.

Cover4 #4: Robinson On The Woman Question by Lillian Robinson.

Chapbook, 16 pages.
Feminist poems disguised as a political pamphlet.

Cover3 #3: The Box

A paper doll with poetry on the opposite side that converts into a box. It arrives flat and has the addition of a bra to be used when company comes. Available only in collector's set.

Cover2 #2:

Seven large illustrated broadsheets with drawings, wood engravings and mobile constructions. Available only in collector's set.

Cover1 #1:

Twelve loose sheets in a folder with poems by Denise Levertov, Marge Piercy and others.
Line drawings by Ruth Geller.
Available only in collector's set.

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